USA T1D Expat Experience?


I will be writing in English as it is my first language, although I speak polite Spanish, I wish to communicate as clearly as possible and hope Google translate will help as best as possible...

I am considering moving to Spain. I am a young teacher and would love to move to Spain. I have a couple friends in Madrid and elsewhere in Europe. I am wondering if there are any expats specifically from the USA or Canada who could tell me how they went about transitioning from their country to Spain as a type one diabetic and if there is any advice they may have.

Additionally, even if you aren't an expat, if you're a T1D and you can tell me about insurance...doctors...access to CGMs and insulin pumps...I would be very grateful. How expensive are medications and visits? How easy/difficult is it to see your doctor (endocrinologist or just your primary care physician)?

Thank you to all! I truly appreciate you.

Besitos x

